Top 6 Weirdest Museums 18+ in the World

Top 6 Weirdest 18+ Museums in the World

Top 6 Weirdest 18+ Museums in the World: Sex and sexuality have been secretive topics in our society, which people do not like to talk about openly even today. Not only this, the artists who make erotic idols also have to face many criticisms from the people.

But there are some weirdest museums around the world, where information about this thing is given openly. Yes, there are many such sex-themed museums around the world, where you will surely be surprised to see the artwork. Let us tell you about these museums.

Harry Mahoney’s Erotic Heritage Museum In Las Vegas

This museum is located in Las Vegas. Spread over an area of 24,000 square feet, this museum showcases strange sexual objects, sexology history, and things related to sex. This erotic heritage museum is very interesting, in which information about sex and erotic art has been given.

Top 6 Weirdest Museums 18+ in the World

Red Light Secrets Museum In Amsterdam

Located in Amsterdam, this is a must-have sex museum in Europe as prostitution is legal in this part of the world. This museum is the world’s first and only museum on prostitution.

Red Light Secrets Museum In Amsterdam

Venustempel In Amsterdam

This sex museum will be nothing less than a visual delight for people interested in erotic art. The Venus Temple in Amsterdam has everything from paintings, and images to materials. The review suggests that there is definitely going to be something that will grab your attention and leave you stunned.

Red Light Secrets Museum In Amsterdam

Secret Cabinet, National Archeological Museum In Italy

This place as the name suggests has featured erotic and sexual arts from many cultures and times. According to the National Archaeological Museum, some of the items here were also censored.

Sex Machines Museum In Prague

This museum was opened in the year 2001, in which many sex machines were opened. It is located in Prague and these art objects are housed in a three-storey building dating back to the 17th century. Your senses will fly away after seeing this place.

Top 6 Weirdest Museums 18+ in the World

Tochka G In Moscow

This place in Moscow is known as a sex shop, it is the biggest shop in Russia. Here are some of the pictures that you must see.

Tochka G In Moscow

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