Camping in the Wilderness

Camping in the Wilderness: 5 Tips for Safety

Camping in the Wilderness: 5 Tips for Safety: Do you have upcoming plans to camp in the wilderness? Will this be your first camping in the wilderness experience, let alone your first back-country camping? Camping provides people with a wonderful way to experience nature up close and personal, but with that said, there are safety concerns you should be aware of. It’s all about being prepared so that if the unexpected happens, you can react appropriately and have the tools, supplies, and gear needed to respond.

Here’s a look at five safety tips for anyone who plans on camping in the wilderness.

Pack a DIY Emergency Kit

While no one wants to think about an emergency happening such as an accident, getting sick, or getting lost while camping, the fact is that these things can occur. For that reason, it’s wise to be prepared and back a DIY emergency kit.

Below are some of the items you can include in your kit:

  • First aid essentials
  • Pocket knife
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Whistle
  • Map and compass
  • GPS unit
  • Matches

This list of items can help you navigate through a wide array of situations including emergencies.

Leave Your Plans with Someone Else

It’s also a good idea to let a close family member or friend know about your plans, where you plan on camping, your route (if you need to hike to the campsite), how to reach you (your cell phone number) and how long you will be gone for. If anyone needs to reach you then they can find you, and should you not return home on time, you know the proper authorities will be alerted.

Use Campfire Safety Tips

Campfires are a big part of the camping experience. They can be used for cooking your meals, warming your campsite, providing light, and creating ambiance. For all their pros it’s also important that you recognize how dangerous they can be. There are many campfire safety tips to keep in mind that will ensure you can enjoy the fire without any issues arising.

Some basic campfire safety tips include:

  1. Don’t walk away from the fire, it should never be left unattended.
  2. Don’t fall asleep until the fire has been fully put out, that includes the embers. It is recommended you fully extinguish it with at least eight liters of water.
  3. Keep the fire contained in a fire pit or ring and don’t sit too close or place items too close to it.
  4. Keep pets and small children away from the fire.
  5. The tent should be at least 15 feet away from the fire.
  6. Make sure there is nothing flammable near the fire.

It’s a lot to remember, but a campfire is a serious thing, so you want to be sure you’re using all the necessary tips.

Camping with Others Is Always Safer

It can be tempting to go camping solo to escape the hustle and bustle of life, but in terms of safety, it’s always best to go with at least one other person.

Bringing a Hunting Gun – Make Sure You Have Extra Ammo

Whether this is a hunting trip or not, you may wish to bring your hunting gun with you. Depending on where you will be camping and what time of the year it is, you may encounter some rather large animals. Extra ammo should also be a consideration for AR enthusiasts who want to be sure that they are well-prepared for the wilderness.

By using all of these tips, you’ll ensure that your first wilderness camping adventure is both memorable and safe. Safety always needs to be a priority when out in the woods.

For More: Top Travel Tips


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