Pet Friendly Cars – Your pets decide which car you will buy

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Pet Friendly Cars – Your pets decide which car you will buy

Pet-Friendly Cars – Your pets decide which car you will buy

Pet-Friendly Cars – Your pets decide which car you will buy: Before buying a car, we often check its price, colour, features, etc. Even make a list and compare the cars of two different companies.

But recently the results of the research done by two big international car companies have come up very interesting. In fact, this survey has revealed that whenever we want to buy a car, we keep our pets in mind.

Takes Care Of The Breed

This research was done on about 3500 pet owners. After examining the data collected in this research, Harvard mathematician Dan Fortunato says that the owners of pets like dogs and cats take special care of them and their breeds while buying cars.

So that they do not face any kind of problems. Also, it can travel long distances comfortably.

Choice by Pets

Not only this, according to Dan, it is also interesting to look at this data in some other ways. As in the previous poll of primary candidates, we can see a difference between cat and dog owners compared to the background population of all people in the survey.

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Along with this, we also got to see in this survey where and when the difference between these two groups comes from. While dog owners chose Hyundai, Volvo, and Lincoln (American luxury car companies), cat owners chose Lincoln, Audi, Toyota, and Mazda.

Also, those who had both preferred cars from companies like Jeep, Ford, and Dodge.

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