Flex Fuels Explained Ethanol In Your Car And Bike

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Flex Fuels Explained Ethanol In Your Car And Bike

Flex Fuels Explained Ethanol In Your Car And Bike

Cars with Flex Fuels technology will now soon be visible across the country. On September 28, 2022, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari is going to present the country’s first flex-fuels car. Such fuels are made from a mixture of petrol, ethanol, or methanol.

Flex fuels, it’s the latest terminology that we as Indian car buyers have to try and understand, and like with the bs6 emission norms there are many questions that come up what does this mean for the current car or bike that, I should be waiting for something and what is the point of this technology to begin with let’s get into it with a talk to simplify this topic.

Now that I am a traveller and take my bike and go to many places to explore, I need to understand What is Flex Fuels?

What is flex fuels?

Such a choice of fuel so that your car can run smoothly. When a new fuel is made by mixing ethanol or methanol with petrol, it is called flex fuel.

How is it made?

Flex fuels are also called alcohol base fuel because it is made from products like sugarcane, and maize to make it. It takes starch and sugar fermentation to make it. Sugarcane is grown in large quantities in India, so there will be no problem in making such fuel on a large scale.

How does it work?

At present, only one type of fuel is used in the cars we use, although some vehicles also have the option of fuel like CNG along with petrol.

Flex Fuels Explained Ethanol In Your Car And Bike

But for that, a separate kit has to be installed or a car with a fitted kit has to be bought from the company. But in the vehicles which will come with Flexi engines, we can use two types of fuel in the same fuel tank.

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For example, if our car is a Flexi engine car, then we will be able to run it either on petrol or else we will be able to use ethanol in the same car without any change.

Beneficial for the Environment

Pollution is constantly becoming a major problem for the environment. There have been many discussions about pollution in countries around the world. Due to increasing pollution, the temperature is increasing continuously, which directly affects the weather.

Vehicles are a major contributor to pollution worldwide, but fuel made by mixing ethanol or methanol in petrol will save the environment from pollution because ethanol or methanol burns better than petrol, which will reduce pollution.

According to experts, using ethanol produces up to 35 percent less carbon monoxide. Along with this, the use of such fuel also produces carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The use of ethanol fuel also reduces nitrogen oxide emissions.

How much is Flex fuel cheaper than petrol?

Flex fuels are being considered as an alternative to expensive petrol and diesel. At present, the average price of a liter of petrol and diesel in the country is around Rs 100, while the cost of ethanol fuel can be around Rs 60 to 70 per litre. In such a situation, in comparison to petrol and diesel, driving a car with flex-fuels can save close to Rs 30 per liter.

From electric vehicles to Flex fuels spheres in the past few years, India has been trying to define a roadmap to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. We told you all about one such flexible ethanol blended petrol and how India is using sugarcane to its advantage in fact India has set a deadline to supply 20 ethanol blended petrol by 2025.

Thanks For Reading…

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