Successful Blogging Tips – Important Rules For New Bloggers Google Updates

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Successful Blogging Tips – Important Rules For New Bloggers Google Updates

Successful Blogging Tips – Important Rules For New Bloggers Google Update

Successful Blogging Tips – Important Rules For New Bloggers Google Update: Most new bloggers understand that there is a trick to get success in blogging and no one shares that trick.

If you also believe the same, then this article is for you only, through this article I am going to tell you about 20+ Blogging Tips For Bloggers, with the help of which you can get success in Blogging.

By the way, if you want to learn blogging from the beginning, then all these tips will prove to be very beneficial for you. By following all these tips, you can learn Blogging from Beginner to Advance Level.

Let us know what Blogging Tips are necessary for every blogger –

Successful Blogging Tips

Let us now know what are those 20+ tips which can give you success in the field of blogging.

1 – Choosing the right Niche

Most of the new bloggers leave the topic of their choice and choose such a topic in which a blogger is earning, then in such a situation, they are neither able to write a quality article nor remain consistent in blogging and leave blogging quickly.

The first tip to get success in blogging is to choose a Niche about which you have good knowledge and you can write Quality Articles on that Niche.

2 – Buy a Unique Domain Name

Domain Name should always be Unique. Buy a domain name that can easily get on people’s lips like Roamera Diary Or Go Blogger Tribe. If the word related to your Niche is in your domain, then it will be a plus point for you.

3 – Create a Blog on WordPress

The two most popular platforms for blogging are Blogger and WordPress. If you are serious about blogging then make your blog on WordPress only.

Whoever you follow to learn blogging, would also advise you to make a blog on WordPress. Because many plugins and themes are available to customize your blog in WordPress. That’s why WordPress is best for blogging.

If you compare Blogger Vs WordPress, then in Blogger you do not get any extra feature for Advance Customize of Blog. That’s why always choose WordPress to get success in blogging.

3 – Choose The Right Hosting

New bloggers mostly run after cheap hosting which is not right at all. You buy cheap hosting, but after that, you have to face a lot of problems and your blog is not able to grow.

Whenever you go to buy hosting, buy only the best hosting. If you want to get the best hosting then Cloudways Hosting is the best. Cloudways Hosting Gives you three-day free trials.

If you want to buy Shared Hosting, then you can buy NameCheap or Bluehost Hosting, the speed of your website will remain correct in all three hostings.

4 – Use Light Weight Theme

Website Speed is very important in today’s time to get traffic. Therefore, to keep the loading time of your website correct, you should use a Lightweight Theme only.

Generatepress is a very Lightweight Theme, using it in your blog will increase the speed of your website. We have also used Generatepress in our Blog, it is the Best WordPress Theme. And most bloggers also use Generatepress.

5 – Choose the Best Plugin for your Blog

Choose the best Plugin for whatever type of blog you are going to make. If you want to create a Simple and Attractive Blog, then you can use the 18 Best WordPress Plugins mentioned by us.

All these 18 plugins will boost your website’s SEO, Speed and your blog will also look attractive and at the same time will secure your blog.

6 – Create a Logo for the Blog

The logo is an important factor to make any business or blog popular. If you also want your blog to become a brand, then make an attractive logo for your blog.

And the logo should be such that its picture should be made in the mind of your readers. For creating a logo you can use Canva.

7 – Create an Account on Social Media Platform

You all must know the power of social media. If anything becomes viral on social media, then it becomes popular very quickly.

That’s why after creating a blog, make sure to create an account in the name of your blog on different social media platforms. With this, you will get the advantage that in less time more people will be able to know about your blog.

8 – Submit the Domain to Google Search Console

Whenever we create a blog, we have to tell Search Engines that we also have a blog. So to tell Search Engine about your blog, you have to add your domain to Google Search Console so that Google can show your blog on Search Engine Result Page.

9– Create Robot.txt File

Robot.Txt File is the one with the help of which you instruct Search Engine Bots which of our pages to crawl and which not.

Whenever Search Engine Bots come to crawl your website, they first find Robot.Txt File and then do Crawling accordingly. Therefore, to stop the crawling of unnecessary pages of your blog, create a Robot.Txt file.

10 – Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console

After adding the domain, its Sitemap has to be submitted so that the Webpages of our blog can be crawled properly.

11 – Create important pages for Blog

Make necessary pages for your blog. Like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms And Conditions, Disclaimer. All these pages are mandatory for a blog.

12 – Do Keyword Research

Before writing the first post in your blog, do some good Keyword Research. Because without Keyword Research good traffic cannot come to the blog. And hardly ever grow your blog.

That’s why Proper Keyword Research is very important before writing an article.

13 – Write the First Blog Post

After processing all this, write the first blog post. You have to write your Blog Post User Friendly and SEO Friendly. Due to this, there will be good growth in your blog.

While writing the first blog post, some things have to be kept in mind. If you do not know how to write Blog Post, then read this article of ours – How to write the first Blog Post.

14 – Use Media

You must also use media in your post. Use the Image according to your post. Please attach at least one image.

If you make a video on YouTube, then add the video to your post as well.

15 – Do On-Page SEO

Doing On-Page SEO of your blog properly is the best way to get Organic Traffic on your Blog. You can follow some tips to do On-Page SEO better.

  • Optimizing Keywords properly. Write your Focus Keyword a maximum of 0.5 times in the entire article.
  • Making the title Catchy.
  • Using Keyword in Meta Description.
  • Making Permalink SEO Friendly.
  • Use of Alt Text in Image.

You can keep these things in mind while doing On-Page SEO.

16 – Write Quality Content

Always publish quality content in your blog, quality content is one that contains complete information and readers get some knowledge by reading that content.

If people get to learn from your content, then the popularity of your blog will also increase and the person who reads your blog will become your regular reader.

17 – Create Backlink

High-Quality Backlink is a big factor in Off Page SEO, so from time to time keep making Backlinks for your blog as well, it will give you a lot of advantage in Ranking.

Never make Backlinks from Spam Websites. Always make Backlinks from such a website whose Domain Authority and Page Authority are correct and whose Spam Score is very less.

18 – Share your post on Social Media

Social Sharing also comes under Off Page SEO. We should keep sharing our posts on social media as well. The biggest advantage of sharing your posts on Social Media is that we get Instant Traffic.

19 – Increasing the speed of the website

Website speed is an important ranking factor. In today’s time, if the speed of your blog is not good, then you may have to face a loss in Search Engine Ranking.

There are many such plugins available in WordPress, using which you can boost the speed of your website. Some of these are mentioned below. ,

Use Cache Plugin.
Use ShortPixel for Image Compress.
Use WP Lazy Load Plugin.
Use CDN.
By using all these, you can increase the speed of your website.

20 – Fixing Broken Link

Sometimes such links are made in our blog, in which a 404 error comes. It is very important to fix such a link. Broken Link puts a Negative Effect on our SEO.

21 – Doing SEO Audit

We should do an SEO Audit of our website once a week. If we have errors in Google Search Console in SEO Audit, then fix them. If there is any Spam Link on our website, then remove it.

22 – Analyze

We should also analyze one day a week how much our blog is growing. Who are our competitors? How much traffic is coming on which Keyword?

Analyzing all these are very important in today’s time, until we do not know properly who are our competitors, till then we cannot get successful.

23 – Build Authority of Blog

If you proceed by following all the things mentioned above, then after 5-6 months your blog will grow a lot. And your Domain Authority and Page Authority will also increase. And good traffic will also come to your blog.

24 – Monetizing Blog

After 6 months you have to think about monetizing your blog. You can monetize your blog through Google AdSense or Affiliate.

If you follow all the things mentioned above, then you will definitely get the approval of Google AdSense. And if you do Affiliate Marketing, then your link will also start selling.

25 – Earning from Blog

Now you will start earning from your blog. And in this way, you will also get successful in blogging.

If you want to know how much money you can earn from Blog, then you can read this article of ours.

Things to keep in mind for bloggers

These are some other tips that if you follow then you will definitely get successful in blogging.

1 – Keeping Patience

It is very important to have the patience to get success in blogging. Blogging is not a scam that works today and money will start coming tomorrow.

It may take you about 1 to 2 years to earn money in blogging, but you will have to continue working with Patience.

2 – Do not make Multi-Niche Blog

Always keep the blog in Single Niche. It will take you a lot of time to get your website ranked with Multi-Niche Blog. Because even Google does not understand what type of topics are written on this blog. There are many advantages to creating the same Single Niche Blog such as –

  • You become a specialist in any one subject.
  • Your ranking improves.
  • The authority of your blog builds quickly.
  • Search Engines start trusting you.

3 – Keeping updating the blog

Keep updating your blog regularly. Always write some new posts. When you do not have time to write, then keep updating your old post. This will benefit you a lot in the future.

4 – Read yourself before publishing the post

Before publishing your post, read yourself once so that there is no mistake left in it. Or there has been a spelling mistake. Or any difficult word has been used.

Publish the post only after seeing all these things. So that you do not need to edit that post again and again.


So friends, through this article, we told you about (Successful Blogging Tips – Important Rules For New Bloggers Google Updates ) 20+ Blogging Tips For Bloggers, which you can start earning money from your blog by following in your Blogging Career. You just have to keep working hard, and you will definitely get success.

Hope you must have liked this article written by us Successful Blogging Tips – Important Rules For New Bloggers Google Updates you must have got to learn valuable things from this article. Do share this article with your blogger friends so that they too can know the tips to get success in blogging.

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