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Yellow Star

Dussehra 2022 Wishes

by Go Travel Blogger

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Yellow Star

Dussehra wishes 2022

Happy Dussehra! May the truth always win and good triumph over evil.

happy dussehra

Dussehra is also known as Vijayadashami in some regions of India.  If we set aside the regional differences, the main events of this festival have one motto i.e. the victory of good over evil

Happy Dussehra to you and your family. May Lord Rama bless you with strength and courage to follow the path of virtue and righteousness.  

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Happy Dussehra 2022

Embrace the goodness in your life and ward off all evil that comes on your path. May you always stay happy and enjoy a healthy life. Happy Dussehra 2022

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Yellow Star

May all your worries and problems get resolved. Happy Dussehra 2022!

On the auspicious occasion of Vijaya Dashami, burn all your anger, greed, delusion, hatred and selfishness with the effigy of Ravana. Have a happy and prosperous Dussehra!  

May your problems go up in the smoke with the Ravana. May you always stay happy and achieve everything in your life. Keep Smiling and enjoy the day! 

Burn all the negativity with the effigy of Ravana. Have a great Vijayadashami!  

Dussehra or Vijayadashami this year falls on October 5. Dussehra marks the end of the nine-day long festival of Navratri.