How to Not Forget Drinking Water this Summer – 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life

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How to Not Forget Drinking Water this Summer – 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life

How to Not Forget Drinking Water this Summer – 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life

How to Not Forget Drinking Water this Summer – 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life: 5 Nutritionist-Approved Tricks to Make Drinking More Water a Habit. Many of us have made the resolution to drink more water, but often struggle to stick to it. However, ensuring adequate hydration is crucial for proper bodily function, as every system in the body depends on water.

To help stay committed to this important goal, New York-based nutritionist Keri Glassman of The Nutritious Life recommends implementing nutritionist-approved tricks. These tricks will not only help flush toxins and waste but also carry oxygen and nutrients to cells, lubricate joints, regulate body temperature, keep tissues healthy, and aid in digestion.

Water is essential for the smooth functioning of our body, as it makes up 70% of our body composition. Despite this fact, many people tend to forget to drink enough water throughout the day. Since water is crucial for regulating body temperature and the functioning of body cells, it’s important to maintain adequate hydration levels.

While approximately 20% of our daily water intake comes from foods with high water content, the remainder must be consumed through drinking water. When we fail to drink enough water, our skin and hair can become dry, and we may also experience digestive issues. If you’re struggling to stay hydrated due to a busy schedule, these five easy hacks on How to Not Forget Drinking Water this Summer can help you increase your water intake and keep your body functioning optimally.

What Research Says About Water Intake

Research conducted by the American National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine has established guidelines for the amount of fluid intake required in a day. According to this research, about 20 percent of the daily fluid we get is from food items. While the rest is achieved through water or other means. For men, the recommended daily fluid intake is approximately 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters, while for women it is around 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters.

It is important to note that this includes all fluids, including water. Adhering to these guidelines can help maintain optimal hydration levels in the body, aiding in the proper functioning of bodily processes. 

Here Are 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life. Let us know how to increase water intake:

1. Carry Water Bottles with You

It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day, but many people may forget to drink enough water or may not feel thirsty frequently. To address this issue, it is recommended to carry two water bottles with you at all times.

Having a visible reminder of the water bottles can encourage you to drink water regularly, even if you do not feel thirsty. Whether you are at work, school, or home, having a water bottle in hand can serve as a constant reminder to drink water frequently and stay hydrated. Therefore, carrying two water bottles with you can help ensure that you maintain proper hydration levels throughout the day.

2. Don’t forget to drink water before eating food

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important to prioritize hydration and ensure that you are drinking enough water throughout the day. One habit that can be particularly beneficial is drinking water 30 minutes before eating a meal. Doing so can help you feel less hungry and may contribute to weight loss.

Additionally, it is important to remember to drink water before all three meals in order to increase your overall water intake and control hunger levels. By making a conscious effort to prioritize hydration and incorporate regular water consumption into your daily routine, you can promote optimal health and well-being.

3. Start Adding Flavoured To Drinking Water

Do Not Forget to Drink Water this Summer - 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life

If you find plain water to be too bland, there are numerous ways to add flavor and make it more enjoyable to drink. One option is to incorporate fruits or herbs to enhance the taste.

According to expert nutritionist Keri Glassman, adding a squeeze of lemon, strawberries, basil, ginger, or berries can be a refreshing and delicious way to add flavor to your water. You can either infuse these ingredients in a large jug overnight or use an infuser bottle to let the flavors seep in throughout the day. By experimenting with different combinations of fruits and herbs, you can create your own unique and flavorful water blends that are both healthy and delicious.

4. Include 5 Water Content Foods in Your Diet

Incorporating foods with high water content into your diet can be a simple and effective way to stay hydrated and promote overall health. By including fruits and vegetables that have a high water content, you can increase your water intake and ensure that you are staying properly hydrated. Lettuce, for example, contains 96 percent water, while watermelon has a water content of 91 percent.

Similarly, spinach contains 95 percent water, sweet melon contains 90 percent, and cabbage contains 92 percent water. In addition to these foods, milk, juices, and herbal teas can also contribute to your daily water intake. It is important to note that sugary drinks such as soda and sports drinks should be consumed in moderation, as they can be high in calories and detrimental to overall health.

By prioritizing water-rich foods and beverages, you can help support your body’s hydration needs and promote optimal health and well-being.

5. Drink Water with Reusable Straw

Do Not Forget to Drink Water this Summer - 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life

It is common for people to feel satisfied after taking only a few sips of water, but this amount may not be enough to adequately hydrate the body. To increase water consumption in one sitting, it is recommended to use a straw. Drinking water through a straw can help you take in more water at once and promote better hydration.

It is important to keep in mind that adequate hydration is crucial for overall health and well-being, and incorporating strategies like using a straw can be a simple and effective way to ensure that you are getting enough water throughout the day. By making a conscious effort to prioritize hydration and incorporating small changes like using a straw, you can help support optimal health and well-being.


Staying hydrated during the summer months is crucial for maintaining good health and well-being. Incorporating simple How to Not Forget Drinking Water this Summer – 5 Hacks to Stay Hydrated in a Busy Life like carrying water bottles, adding flavor to water, incorporating water-rich foods into your diet, drinking water through a straw, and setting reminders to drink water can help you stay hydrated even with a busy lifestyle.

By making conscious efforts to prioritize hydration and incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can help ensure that your body is getting the water it needs to function properly. With these tips, you can stay cool, refreshed, and hydrated all summer long while living your busy life.

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