Chat GPT By Open AI – What Is Chat GPT And How Does It Work

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Chat GPT By Open AI – What Is Chat GPT And How Does It Work

Chat GPT By Open AI – What Is Chat GPT And How Does It Work

Chat GPT By Open AI – What Is Chat GPT And How Does It Work: Chat GPT was launched on 30 November 2022 and since then it has remained in the news.

Every person and expert is keeping their own opinion on Chat GPT. Some say that human jobs will end with the arrival of Chat GPT, so many people are believing that it will replace many software and search engines like Google. After all, what is the truth of Chat GPT, and how strong are these claims of experts, we will try to understand in today’s article.

In this blog post, we are going to give you complete information about what is Chat GPT, how it works, what the advantages and disadvantages of Chat GPT and all the questions related to Chat GPT, which are in discussion nowadays.

Chat GPT has been developed by OpenAI which works like the Google search engine. But the way of answering it is quite different from Google. On the one hand, where Google gives you links to many websites in response to any query, on the other hand, Chat GPT gives a direct answer to your question.

You can ask any question to Chat GPT, it shows you the detailed answer to that question in the form of an article. To understand Chat GPT in detail, stay with us till the end of this article.

So let’s start today’s article without taking much of your time –

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT, whose full form is Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), is a Chatbot developed by OpenAI, which works on Artificial Intelligence.

With Chat GPT you can talk in text form and get answers to your questions. At present, it supports only the English language. You can ask whatever question you have by writing to Chat GPT, and after that Chat GPT gives you a detailed answer to that question.

Whenever you ask a question from Chat GPT, it does not give links to thousands of websites like Google, but it gives the user a direct answer to his question. Chat GPT can give you a leave application, essay, YouTube video script, cover letter, biography, etc by writing.

Chat GPT is a modified version of a model in OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 group of language models.

History Of Chat GPT

Chat GPT was started by a person named Sam Altman in association with Elon Musk in the year 2015, then it was a non-profit company. After some time Elon Musk left this project.

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After this Bill Gates’s Microsoft company invested in Chat GPT, and on 30 November 2022 Chat GPT was launched as a prototype. According to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Chat GPT has reached 10 million users in less than a week.

How does Chat GPT Work

To understand how Chat GPT works, let us understand its full form.

  • Generative means the one who generates or creates.
  • Pre-trained means which is already trained and does not need to be trained.
  • Transformer means such a machine learning model that understands the given text.

Chat GPT has already been trained, and publicly available data has been used to train it. Whatever question you ask to Chat GPT, it finds it from its own database and presents it in front of you in the form of an article in the right language.

Features of Chat GPT

Following are some of the key features of Chat GPT –

  • Chat GPT provides detailed answers to your questions in the form of articles.
  • Chat GPT can be used to generate content.
  • You can get answers to any of your questions in real-time.
  • Chat GPT can be used for free.
  • You can write essays, applications, biography, etc. through Chat GPT.

How to use Chat GPT?

To use Chat GPT, you have to create your account in it, after that, you can use Chat GPT. At present, you can use Chat GPT absolutely free, but in the future, this service may be paid for.

To use Chat GPT, you follow the following process –

  • Step 1 – First of all open the Chat.Openai.Com website in your web browser.
  • Step 2 – Here you will have 2 options Login and Sign Up, you have to click on Sign Up.
  • Step 3 – You can create an account in Chat GPT through an email address, Microsoft account, or Gmail ID. To create an account in Chat GPT with Gmail ID, click on Continue With Google.
  • Step 4 – Select the Gmail ID through which you want to create an account in Chat GPT.
  • Step 5 – After this, you have to enter your name in Chat GPT and then enter your phone number and click on Continue.
  • Step 6 – An OTP will come on the mobile number you have entered, verify it by entering the OTP.
  • Step 7 – After getting the phone number verified, your account will be successfully created in Chat GPT and then you can use it.

Advantages of Chat GPT

The user gets many benefits from using Chat GPT such as

  • Chat GPT provides direct and detailed answers to user questions.
  • Like Google, the user does not have to visit different websites to find the answer.
  • You can let Chat GPT know whether or not you’re satisfied with the answer to your question.
  • You can use Chat GPT for absolutely free.

Disadvantages of Chat GPT

Along with the advantages of Chat GPT, it still has many drawbacks such as –

  • Chat GPT has limited data.
  • There are many questions that Chat GPT does not give accurate answers to.
  • Currently, Chat GPT understands only the English language and responds in the same.
  • The training of Chat GPT ended at the beginning of 2022, so you will not be able to get the correct information about the events after this.
  • Chat GPT is available for free only till the Research Period, after that you will have to pay a charge to use it.

Can Chat GPT replace Google?

Talking about the present Chat GPT cannot replace Google because it has very limited information, and it does not give much choice. Chat GPT can give you as many answers as it has been trained.

On the contrary, Google has a huge store of data, you will find all kinds of information on Google. Along with this, Google gives many options for the user’s questions like articles, websites, videos, images, news, etc.

Apart from this, Chat GPT also does not give accurate answers to the questions you ask, while Google has advanced algorithms like User Intent, with the help of which Google can understand what is the intention behind the user’s query.

Looking at all these reasons, we can say that at present Chat GPT does not have the ability to replace Google.

Will Chat GPT eliminate jobs?

In technology, from calculators to computers, everyone has finished human jobs from time to time, so many people also believe that many people can lose their jobs due to the arrival of Chat GPT.

Currently, no human jobs are at risk from Chat GPT because the answers it gives are not accurate. But maybe in the coming few years when Chat GPT will be updated and made more advanced then it will eliminate many human jobs.

If Chat GPT is made more advanced, then it can eliminate such jobs in which question-answer work is done. Like customer care, teachers teaching in coaching institutes, etc.


What is Chat GPT?
Chat GPT is a Chatbot that gives direct answers to users’ questions.

What is the full form of Chat GPT?
The full form of Chat GPT is Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer.

Who created Chat GPT?
Chat GPT is developed by an Open AI company and was released on 30 November 2022.

Can Chat GPT solve math problems?
Chat GPT hasn’t received this type of training yet, so it can’t solve math problems.

Does Chat GPT understand any other language?
Currently, Chat GPT understands the only English language, it is unable to understand any other country’s languages.


Although Chat GPT has been developed, it is not as advanced as Google, but in the future, it will be updated with more modifications, and companies like Microsoft have also invested in improving their search engine. There will be an increase in the use of Chat GPT in the coming times.

Friends, in this blog post, we have provided you with complete information about what is Chat GPT, we sincerely hope that after reading this article, you must have understood Chat GPT very well. Share this article as much as possible on social media and also tell your friends about Chat GPT.

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